Affiliate Marketing Tips For Beginners

Affiliate Marketing Tips For Beginners

This article will give you tips on how to get started as an Affiliate Marketer in 2019. Many people ask if affiliate marketing is dead; no it’s not. There is still plenty of money to be made. You will continue to see affiliate marketing grow. Affiliate marketing is a huge cost savings for companies. If you are just now thinking about getting started, today is as good of an opportunity as any.

Yes, it is tough to become successful at affiliate marketing, but it is very simple. There are three things that will give you the edge if you really want to be successful in this niche.

  1.  You just have to survive the moments you feel like quitting.
    • Too many people quit way to quickly
  2. There are a lot of tools and courses that you may not know bout that will make it much easier.
  3. You will learn some simple tips in this article to help you become a successful affiliate marketer starting today.

This post will be lengthy, but you don’t have to read it. You can just check out the below video it covers everything in this article.

Affiliate Marketing Tips

Focus on this post – grab a cup of coffee or tea and a notepad, so we can begin!

 Pick An Affiliate Niche

First thing you must do is pick the correct affiliate niche. This is a must, because if you want to become successful at this affiliate marketing thing.

Make sure you pick the right niche, one that you are passionate about. Preferably one of the top three niches: wealth, health or romance. If you can’t find something in those three niches, then just focus on one that you are passionate about. You will have a blog, YouTube channel, etc. that will be focused around the niche you chose.

When I first started I had no idea what a niche even was; which may be why I struggled so much at first. I didn’t focus on one niche and therefore could never create a position of authority in any particular niche. I also struggled with focusing on one platform. This is another topic we will be talking about a little later in this article.

Those were all the wrong niches for me, because I had no passion about them. I was focused on trying to make money with them, which will not work in the end. If you do this you will find yourself struggling and bored writing and talking about your niche.

If you go down this route be prepared to spend a lot of time and money to realize you have made little to no profits.

One thing you will learn, is that you will make many mistakes. I am writing this article to try to keep you from making some of the same mistakes as I have made in the past.

Have patience, because one thing you will learn is that it may not be happening right now, but then wham! you get a bunch of commissions in your bank account. Stay consistent.

 Pick The Right Affiliate Product or Network

This is an important piece of the puzzle, because you have to know where to look for products in your niche, etc. The good thing is as an affiliate marketer we do not need to create or manufacture the product or service that we promote for commissions.

Finding the correct product to promote can be tricky, but there are ways to figure out what you should be promoting.

You can focus on physical products from Amazon for example, that you review on a blog review site or YouTube channel. Or you can promote digital products or services that you find on various sites like ClickBank.

The next thing you need to do is figure out if you want to promote low ticket or high ticket affiliate products or services.

This can be a very important step to figure out along your journey, but not as important as you start this amazing journey, because you just need to focus on the fundamentals of affiliate marketing at the beginning.

Once you figure out whether you are going to promote physical, digital or both products and services you can begin finding the items that actually are selling in the marketplace. For instance, if you decide to sell digital products as I do, you can use an affiliate network like ClickBank a search for products with high gravity (a ClickBank sort option).

There are a few options that you want to look at when picking the right product to promote:

  1. Is the product new?
    • Sometimes it may not be selling, because it just came out.
    • You can monetize this by being one of the first to review the product and create a potential gold mine.
  2. Does the product have up-sells?
    • This is important because you can earn more commissions on the one product you are promoting.
  3. Does the product have recurring commission options?
    • One of the biggest secrets in the affiliate marketing niche, because you can create a total passive income from this.

 Pick A Social Media Platform To Promote On

This is a complicated subject to talk about, because there are so many people that have different techniques of how to tackle this.

I on the other hand have learned through my mistakes and have to say that it is very important for you to pick one social media platform to promote on and master it before moving to another.

So, picking the correct social media platform can be tricky and in order to do this you have to really know yourself and be confident with the platform you choose. For instance, if you don’t like to be on video then YouTube may not be the best social media platform for you to promote on.

Types of social media platforms:

  • Facebook
    • This can be a very popular platform to promote your products. But, if you don’t have a very big following you may have difficulty at first.
  • YouTube
    • This is probably the most under utilized social media platform in regards to affiliate marketing. But, you must like being on video.
  • Instagram
    • This is a new comer and can be very powerful, mainly because it can use the amazing advertising platform of Facebook.
  • Blog
    • Oldie but goody, mainly because you can monetize the Internet as a hole. But, you have to enjoy writing…

All of these platforms will take sometime, unless you already have a huge audience following you. Be prepared to take about 6-12 months before gaining momentum. Now one very important aspect that people fail to acknowledge is that you must do work and lots of it!

You must be consistent and create content a few times a week and preferably daily. and do not stop keep going because as the new person in the niche this is where you can start gaining momentum and building an audience.

For instance, I just recently started using YouTube and not very good with video but I made a promise to put out as many videos as I possibly can (pretty much daily). This has been working well for me, but I realized it can be very exhausting not seeing results right away. The important thing here is that you just have to keep going and going.

 Find A Marketing Platform/Tool To Use

This is the part that can get people hung up on. Such as, picking the tech, which can become very overwhelming.

I must say that I was the person that would spend months researching and learning how to do something before doing it, which is the biggest mistake that you can ever make in this niche.

If you are new and on a minimum budget, then I would focus on a tool that is affordable and can do all that is needed. I would recommend a tool like ClickFunnels, which is an all in one marketing platform.

ClickFunnels has a sales funnel builder, website builder, email autoresponder, hosting platform, copy editor, and many more tools. This product is awesome for the beginner affiliate marketer, because it is affordable and can do everything you need in one place. Check out more information here.

Anyways you can do you own research on this subject, but the following are the things you need to get started at a minimum:

  • Sales Funnel Builder
  • Email Autoresponder
  • Web Host
  • Domain

Find A Course, Mentor and Support Group

While this is not a necessity it is an important aspect as you will need someone to relate to your experience and a product to teach you what you need to know to be successful.

I can honestly say that this was something that I did not take serious at first and did not gain any momentum until I found a mentor and course I could trust.

The product that I recommend you use to learn from is called Legendary Marketer. You can find more info here…

I mention this product because it has all you need to become successful in this crazy competitive niche. It provides an amazing course structure and begins at only $30 a month. It has an awesome support group and mentorship program, you get a personal coach to help you along the way.

Not only is this all you get with Legendary Marketer, you also can build a very lucrative affiliate business promoting this product, because it also has a high-ticket affiliate program you can join only if you want to go that route. You should at least join the $30 monthly program to learn as much as you can to decrease your time to becoming a successful digital entrepreneur.

Anyways I could go one for days about affiliate marketing, because i love this niche and enjoy helping others learn and succeed with it. I hope you gained some insight from this post. I am sure it will help you make your decision on how to start and get started today!